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Objectives, Areas of Focus & Values


ELCOT will achieve its Mission and Vision by:

  1. Building a Brand image of Tamil Nadu as a modern state, an attractive location for people and businesses
  2. Elevating Tamil Nadu as the destination of choice for IT Investors across the world, by promoting IT specific SEZ's in Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirappalli, Salem, Hosur and Tirunelveli
  3. Being the preferred vendor of choice for procurement of IT products and services
  4. Being the preferred consultant for application software development for e-governance
  5. Being the preferred agency for execution of IT infrastructure and e-governance
  6. Providing hand holding support to the Government and in its IT initiatives

Areas Of Focus

A snapshot of the current focus of ELCOT :

  • Improvement of IT promotion and development activities
  • Decongestion of Chennai by promoting Tier II cities
  • Establishment of core e-Governance infrastructure
  • Promotion of Open Source software
  • Standardization and development of application software in an open source environment
  • IT capacity building among the State Government employees by producing and distributing world class Training Kits


  • Honesty, integrity and ethics in all aspects of business
  • Transparency
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Pursuit of excellence
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