Under the National e-Governance Action Plan (NeGP), Tamil Nadu State Data Centre (TNSDC) has been established as the core and critical infrastructure for the roll out and delivery of secured e-Governance services of the State.
TNSDC enables State Government Departments and their agencies to host their applications, services and servers on a common, secured and controlled infrastructure aiming at ease of integration and efficient management. TNSDC provides operations and management control efficiently and aims to minimize overall cost of data management, IT management, deployment, power requirement and other costs.
1. Tamil Nadu State Data Centre 1 (TNSDC 1)
TNSDC 1 has 40 racks in the first floor, 22 racks in the Ground floor (expansion) and 25 racks in the other extended data centers. TNSDC 1 is the first ISO certified State Data Centre in the country (First Certification obtained on 21.02.2012).TNSDC 1 is operational from 01.08.2011 with overall budget outlay of Rs.138Cr. As of now, more than 166 Applications / Services are hosted in TNSDC 1 as co-location/co-hosting and cloud hosting model.

Security Architecture for TNSDC
A high level security architecture framework has been implemented at TNSDC to ensure data protection of all the Government Applications / Services. TNSDC has been secured with Security information and Event Management (SIEM) tool. Onsite Vulnerability assessment & Penetration Testing (VA&PT) also has been provisioned in TNSDC. Security Architecture for TNSDC
2.Tamil Nadu State Data Centre 2 (TNSDC 2)
Since TNSDC-1 has reached 100% of its full capacity, the TNSDC - 2 is being executed at a project outlay of 74.70 Crore. Construction of building has been completed and establishment of Data Centre with IT and Non IT equipments is in progress. The TNSDC 2 is expected to come into operation shortly with 28 server racks and 5 network racks initially and will reach its full capacity of 194 racks with scalable facility depending upon incoming demands from the Government departments/agencies/units.

In order to have a Disaster Recovery Centre of its own in a different seismic zone for data and services, TNDRC has been established at ELCOSEZ, Tiruchirappalli at an estimated cost of Rs.59.85 crores to ensure business continuity during normal times and during disasters for various critical e-Governance applications hosted at TNSDC. TNDRC can also address the hosting requirements of departments. TNDRC commenced its operations on 09.02.2018.
Salient Features of TNDRC:
- Facilitated to have a mirror image of the applications / data hosted in TNSDC.
- Designed, built and maintained as per Tier II standards.
- Reliable, robust and secured infrastructure for e-Delivery of services on a 24 X 7 basis in the event of disaster at TNSDC.
- Established in a different seismic zone.
- Ensures Business Continuity of various e-Governance applications hosted at TNSDC on demand.
- TNDRC also addresses the co-location requirements of the Departments, which opt for co-location at Thiruchirapalli.

Inauguration of TNDRC, Tiruchirappalli
Near Line Disaster Recovery Centre (NLDRC), Chennai
The synchronous replication requirements of departments for Near Line Disaster Recovery have been setup by utilizing the resources at other extended Data Centre, Chennai at a cost of Rs.5.00 crores. NLDRC services commenced on 20.06.2016, with a plan of migration into TNSDC-2 when it becomes operational.