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Investor's View

"We had visited several locations in the country (India) before zeroing in on Chennai. Our decision has been based on three key factors...the pro-active approach of the state government, overall development of the area... and the availability of skilled manpower"

-Mr. Raimo Puntala Sr VP, Operations & Logistics,Customer & Market Operations, Nokia.

"Tamil Nadu had long been established as a leader... The required skills are available. The basic infrastructure is as good. Another major factor on the future development of the industry in the State, is its potential to grow. To top all these factors is the thrust given by the State Government, to support the industrialisatian by reducing red tape and bureaucratic processes which were deterring the foreign investors from coming into India" -John Parker, Former CEO, Ford India

"We looked at various parameters including availability of relevant skills, robustness of IT Infrastructure, Real Estate Issues, the number and experience of similar entities established in the city before deciding on Chennai "

- Lal Gardner, Director, World Bank

"An important component of what we have been able to achieve is the city of Chennai itself. We have found it easy to attract people to come and work with us, the infrastructure and facilities have been reliable and efficient, and we have been very gratified at the assistance and cooperation we have obtained from State Government agencies whenever we have needed it. "

- Fayezul H. Choudhry,

Vice President & Controller, World Bank

"Chennai offers the lowest real estate cost among all metros "

-Jones Lang Lasalle

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