United India Insurance Company

United India Insurance Company Limited was incorporated as a Company on 18th February 1938. General Insurance Business in India was nationalized in 1972. 12 Indian Insurance Companies, 4 Cooperative Insurance Societies and Indian operations of 5 Foreign Insurers, besides General Insurance operations of southern region of Life Insurance Corporation of India were merged with United India Insurance Company Limited. After Nationalization United India has grown by leaps and bounds and has 18300 work force spread across 1340 offices providing insurance cover to more than 1 Crore policy holders. The Company has variety of insurance products to provide insurance cover from bullock carts to satellites.

United India has been in the forefront of designing and implementing complex covers to large customers, as in cases of ONGC Ltd , GMR- Hyderabad International Airport Ltd, Mumbai International Airport Ltd Tirumala-Tirupati Devasthanam etc. We have been also the pioneer in taking Insurance to rural masses with large level implementation of Universal Health Insurance Programme of Government of India & Vijaya Raji Janani Kalyan Yojana ( covering 45 lakhs women in the state of Madhya Pradesh) , Tsunami Jan Bima Yojana (in 4 states covering 4.59 lakhs of families) , National Livestock Insurance and many such schemes.

We have also made our presence in more than 200 tier II & III towns and villages through our innovative Micro Offices.


Years of experience


Happy Customers



Our Vision

We United India will be
  • The most preferred insurer in India with global footprint & recognition.
  • Trusted brand admired by all stakeholders
  • The best-in-class customer service provider leveraging technology & multiple channels
  • The provider of a broad range of innovative products to meet the needs of all customer segments
  • Great place to work with highly motivated and empowered employees
  • Recognized for its contribution to the society

Our Mission

Introducing Ourselves
  • UI is a leading General Insurance Company.
  • More than three decades of experience in Non-life Insurance business.
  • Formed by the merger of 22 companies, consequent to nationalisation of Gener al Insurance.
  • Head Quarters at Chennai
Corporate Mission
  • To provide Insurance protection to all.
  • To ensure customer satisfaction
  • To function on sound business principles.
  • To help minimise national waste and to help develop the Indian economy.

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