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Institute Of Epigraphy

An Institute of Epigraphy is functioning at the Chennai head office since 1973. It conducts one year Post-Graduate Diploma Course in “Epigraphy and Archaeology” for 8 students.

A sum of Rs.4.000/- is paid as stipend to each student every month.

So far,  249 students have received Post-Graduate Diploma in this Institute.

Eligibility Criteria - Qualification:

Post-Graduate in Tamil / Sanskrit /Ancient History and Archaeology / History

Basic Languages:

Tamil & English

Mode of Enrollment:

Yearly, second week of July, an advertisement is given in the Tamil Newspaper. Students are slected through interview held during the last week of July.

Duration of the Course:

1st August to 31st July

Contents of the Course:

Subjects like Epigraphy, Archaeology, Excavation and Exploration, Art and Architecture, Numismatics etc., are dealt in this course.

Course Completion:

Apart from conducting written exams, the students have to make a study on a particular ancient temple and submit a Monograph.

Application Form for Institute of Epigraphy