
Activities of Hydrogeology Wing

The Hydrogeology wing of TWAD Board is vested with the responsibility of scientific source identification works in the field of exploration, exploitation, assessment of water sources. It is also committed to ensure conservation and management of the water resources for the sustainability of sources to provide protected, potable water supply to the rural and urban population. TWAD Board executes water supply schemes under the various programmes implemented with Central and State Government financial assistance for which the selection sustainable source is of paramount importance.

Expertise Available

Man Power

  • A fleet of Hydro-geological personnel with a wide knowledge of groundwater exploration,conservation, and management of water resources are available. Most of them are post-graduates in Hydro-geological sciences and some are doctors of philosophy in a certain specific area of research on groundwater sciences.
  • Availability of the technical know-how for scientific exploration for sitting of wells for the drinking water supply schemes & industrial water supply schemes.
  • Technological availability for identification and exploitation of the groundwater resources.
  • Assessment of aquifer characteristics through scientific ways of conducting pumping tests.
  • Delineation of aquifer zones through electrical well logging techniques.
  • Expertise in scientific identification / site-specific location for the construction of the type of recharge structure to be implemented for the sustainability of the drinking water headwork’s /sources under the
  • various programmes executed in TWAD Board.
  • Expertise in carrying out the monitoring studies through the scientific methodology to assess the impact.
  • Analysis of all the Hydrological data to arrive at consensus conclusion.
  • Expertise in the Rainwater Harvesting mechanism for innovative design of the various types of recharge structures based on the varied Hydrogeological environs to harness the rooftop rainwater harvesting.
  • Assessment of groundwater potential zones – regional and local based on micro-level studies.
  • Assessment of potentiality in a micro level watershed through the watershed approach.

Projects Implemented:

  • Implemented the UNICEF assisted Water Resources Management Study in Karaipottanar Watershed in Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu State.
  • Completed the Project on the preparation of District Water resources Atlas under Unicef Assistance.
  • Completed the project on Lineament Analysis using Digital data for creating the sustainable drinking water source for rural areas of Gingee Taluk, Villupuram District.
  • Completed the project on Recharge through Bore Blasting in Mattancherry Micro watershed in Dindugal district.
  • Completed the project on recharging the groundwater through defunct bore wells in Puduchatram block of Namakkal district of Tami Nadu.
  • Completed State Planning commission funded project on “Updating the groundwater potential Zonation map” using remote sensing and GIS for all the 385 bocks of the State.

Infra Structure Available:

  • Sophisticated equipment (Resistivity meters)– both indigenous and imported (Signal Averaging System) – for groundwater exploration.
  • Hydrofracturing equipment for rejuvenation/ revitalization of failed/ low yielding bore wells (hard rock areas) to enhance the specific capacity of the bore wells.
  • Electrical logger and Pumping test units for delineation and assessment of aquifer parameters.
  • Remote Sensing data products – Satellite Imagery, Aerial Photographs, GOI Topo sheets with thematic maps and derived maps and related equipment such as – Mirror Stereoscope,Planimeter, Optical Pantograph, etc.,
  • Availability of the software - Arc INFO, Arc View, Erdas, Geomatica for taking up GIS application based Projects and for further updating and Related Hardware and Software required for the R & D works.
  • Availability of the Digital database for the entire State of Tamil Nadu.
  • Availability of the Zonation maps for recharge studies based on the Recharge Project Study undertaken by TWAD Board in collaboration with the Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University.
  • Data Centre comprising of rainfall data, water level data, geophysical resistivity data, hydrofracturing data, pumping test data, block-wise information data, basin wise information, etc.,
  • TWAD Board has taken a feasibility study to utilize the defunct Quarry as rainwater harvesting cum water supply pond in Tamil Nadu. This project will be implemented at cost of Rs.48.20 lakhs for a period of 18 months. The project has been taken up in three phases and completed.
  • Weekly, seasonal and annual rainfall data for all districts in Tamil Nadu from IMD and Groundwater level during January 2016 and May 2016 through 1286 observation wells were collected, through TWAD Observation Wells, and the data compiled and analyzed and report on groundwater scenario is prepared.

Present Activities: HG WING

  • For sustainability of sources, implementation of recharge structures in close proximity to the drinking water supply head works were taken up various GOI and GOTN funds, TWAD Board so far constructed 12570 Recharge structures, such recharge structures which includes (8410 Check Dams, 391 Percolation pond, 275 Recharge pit, 648 Recharge trench,101 Others includes (Desilting, Core wall, Finger Dyke), 757 Ooranies, 177 Defunct Borewell, 873 Recharge Shafts, 885 Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting, and 53 Hydrofracturing Unit Impact study on recharge structure is also being carried out.
  • Weekly, seasonal and annual rainfall data for all districts in Tamil Nadu from IMD and Groundwater level during January and May through 1286 observation wells were collected,through TWAD Observation Wells, and the data compiled and analyzed and report on groundwater scenario is prepared.
  • GPS Coordinates for the sources created have been entered in the IMIS Web Portal.
  • TWAD Board is in number one position in updating geo-tagged information about the Source distribution, Delivery point, and House source connection. photos uploaded and approved using the mobile application in the IMIS web portal.