
(As per GO (MS) No. 39 MA&WS (WS2)Department dt 17.04.2018.)

Water Tariff  for the period from 01.12.2017 to 31.03.2018

For Rural Local Bodies  Rs. 7.00 /1000 litres
For Urban Local Bodies  Rs. 9.00 /1000 litres

Water Tariff  for the period from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 (5% annual increase)

For Rural Local Bodies  Rs. 7.35/1000 litres
For Urban Local Bodies  Rs. 9.45 /1000 litres

Water Tariff  for the period from 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2020 (5% annual increase)

For Rural Local Bodies  Rs. 7.72/1000 litres
For Urban Local Bodies  Rs. 9.92 /1000 litres

Water Tariff  for the period from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 (5% annual increase)

For Rural Local Bodies  Rs. 8.11/1000 litres
For Urban Local Bodies  Rs. 10.42 /1000 litres

Water Tariff  for the period from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 (5% annual increase)

For Rural Local Bodies  Rs. 8.51/1000 litres
For Urban Local Bodies  Rs. 10.94 /1000 litres

(As per B.P.MS.No.88 (Q&M Wing) dt 08.11.2017

For Industries /Commercial Organisations who have NOT paid the proportionate cost of CWSS

Organisations who have paid proportionate cost of scheme

Rs.45.00 /KL
Industries / Commercial Organisations Rs. 150.00 /KL
Private Educational Institutions Rs.125.00 /KL
Private Hospitals Rs. 125.00 /KL
Government Industries and Organisations Rs. 80.00 /KL
Government Hospitals, Government Educational Institutions places of workship  Rs.30.00 /KL
Orphanage & Homes Rs. 30.00 /KL

Test Tariff