Providing CWSS to 442 Habitations in 23 Village Panchayats of Modakurichi Union in Erode District
CWSS to 442 Habitations in 23 Village Panchayats of Modakurichi Union in Erode District was administratively sanctioned for Rs.412.12 crore vide G.O.(Ms) No.201/dated.30.11.2020. The scheme is to be implemented under JJM fund.
The Intermediate (2037) and Ultimate (2052) population for this scheme is 2.82 Lakh and 3.15 Lakh, respectively. By adopting pro-rata supply of 55 LPCD the intermediate and ultimate requirements of water for the scheme is 21.57 MLD and 23.14 MLD respectively.
The source for this CWSS is river Cauvery at Manathampalayam and the Raw water is proposed to be collected in offtake well. It is proposed to pump Raw water through a conveying main of 3.52 km to the proposed 18.41 MLD capacity treatment plant at Nanjaikalamangalam. The clear water is proposed to be conveyed to 29 nos of sumps through a feeder main length of 116.83 km length.
From the Village Panchayat sumps water will be conveyed through proposed feeder main of 435.35 km to the existing 554 Service reservoirs and newly proposed 225 service reservoirs the water in distributed through the proposed distribution system of 481.59 km . in this scheme it is proposed to provide 35236 House service connections.
Work order for this scheme was issued on 26.02.21 and works are in progress. The scheme is targeted for completion by 07/2023 and put into beneficial use.