UGSS to Rameshwaram Municipality in Ramanad District has been Administratively sanctioned for Rs.41.35 Cr vide G.O.Ms.225/ Dt. 05.09.2012 and revised Administrative sanction accorded vide G.O.(Ms)No. 44/ Dt. 27.04.2018 for 52.60 Cr. The scheme is under implementation with AMRUT funds.
The sewage collection arrived at an intermediate stage (2034) population of 33000 and ultimate stage (2049) population of 48000 are 4.08 MLD and 5.34 MLD respectively.
Rameshwaram Municipality is divided into two zones and the sewage collected from the two zones is to be pumped to the STP having capacity of 4.08 MLD at olaikuda village. In this scheme the sewer line proposed for a length of 14.68 Km from the 587 Nos of machine holes through a pumping station 1No and pumping main length of 4.31 Km. From the STP the treated sewage water stored in OHT at Maangadu will be utilised by the local body partly for gardens, lodges and balance let into the proposed forest land.
The standard of the Treated Effluent will be improved further by subjecting to Tertiary Treatment.
Work order for this scheme was issued on 08.09.2016 and works are under progress. The works will be completed by 08/2023 and put into beneficial use.