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UGSS to Ambur Municipality in Thirupathur District was administratively Sanctioned for GO.Ms. No.5/dt. 22.1.2018 for Rs. 165.55 Cr. The Scheme is under implementation with the fund tie up under AMRUT.

The sewage collection arrived at an intermediate stage (2035) population of 155000 and ultimate stage (2050) population of 171721 are 16.71 MLD and 19.75 MLD respectively.

The entire project area under the scheme has been divided into 4 sewerage zones with 2 pumping stations and the Sewage collected in the lift/pumping stations will be conveyed to the proposed treatment plant at Kaspa A – Ambur Town. Finally the treated sewage is to be disposed in Palar river.

In this project, sewage collected from 3607 nos machine hole through sewer collection system length of 94.22 km and Collected sewage will be pumped to the STP having capacity of 16.71 MLD through 4 nos of pumping station and pumping main length of 49.50 Km. The total no of HSC proposed in the scheme is 18187 nos.

The scheme is divided into two packages. Package-1 for Collection system - work order was issued on 04.10.18 and works are under progress. Package -2 for STP work order was issued on 06.11.2019 and works are under progress.

The scheme is targeted for completion by 08/2023.

 Flow Diagram :


Salient Details
